Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Welcome to I Love You Books blog. Well, it's all about love! Love for parents, love for friends, love for grandparents, love for numbers and letters. 

2012-2013 marks our first year of homeschooling. In my effort to continue the writing and reading at home, I thought creating a simple book would be a good start. Since Strawberry Cupcake's Grandmommy will be turning 81 years old this week, it is going to be a perfect timing to create a book in honor of all the wonderful things that she has shown over the years. So I asked Strawberry Cupcake to list down all the things that reminds her of how her Grandmas ( yes, Grandmas) show their love for her, and that's how the book was made.
Our summer fun activity turned into a real-life book. The paperback copy is less thicker than the picture.  This is just an illustration.

This delightful short story is about a young girl's love for her grandmothers. It portrays how little acts of love make a huge impact on children. If  you want to have a copy of this fun and easy-to-read book, simply go to (click here) to get the Kindle version. For iPad users, I Love My Grandmommy is available on iBooks for $3.99. The paperback version will be available on on or before June 15. If you want to check out first what's inside the book, please click on the image below.

Sample of the book with page flipping effect. Cool!

If you have any questions about the book or want to send your own drawings about Grandma, you can email me at