Meet the Writers

I Love My Grandmommy book was written, drawn and colored by a pool of fun and creative people.

Code: Lynn
Job Description: homeschool mom, wife and entrepreneur
Likes: chocolates
Participation in the book: main author and illustrator, took care of publishing the books on Amazon and iBooks. My most important role - cooked delicious meals for the little ones.

Code: Loving hubby
Job Description: amazing provider
Likes: eggs
Participation in the book: gave the art direction for the airplane.

Lovy Hubby

Code: Strawberry Cupcake
Year Level: In coming First Grade
Age: 5 1/2 Years old
Likes: spaghetti
Her participation in the book: suggested the title, colored the illustrations and wrote some sentences. 

Honey Pot

Code: Jumping Bee
Age: 2 years old
Likes: watermelon
His participation in the book: also known as the Crayon Keeper. Jumping Bee handed down some crayons to Strawberry Cupcake while she did the initial drawing for the book.

Jumping Bee

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